Loqor's Portfolio

Welcome to

I now officially own the domain loqor.dev!

About Me

Minecraft Mods

Adventures In Time (AIT)

Adds the TARDIS from Doctor Who into Fabric 1.20.1. Apparatus Vivi.

Modrinth for AIT

K9 Mod

A small metallic canine companion mod from Doctor Who for your Minecraft world! Recently updated to Fabric for 1.20.2!

Modrinth for K9

Timeless Heroes

Adds superheroes from all your favorite movies and shows! Currently includes Iron Man, Spider Man, and assorted related suits.

Modrinth for Timeless Superheroes

About Me


Name: Isaiah Crace
Age: 19
Nationality: American
Occupation: University Student
• Film Photography
• Digital Art
• Mechanical Engineering
• Programming (of course)
• Music Obsessed

Amateur Programmer
Proficient in:
• Java
• JavaScript
• Lua
• TypeScript
• C#, C, C++
I also do web design on the side,
as evident here.